LASA Raptor's News

Sci-O Competes at MIT

Earlier in January, the LASA Science Olympiad team traveled to MIT in Boston, MA to compete at the MIT Science Olympiad Invitational. They competed against 67 other teams from across the nation in 23 different events. The students learned a lot, got to experience a true NE winter with snow, and tackle the challenge of one of the most difficult Sci-O competitions.

Freshman, Liam Harris, receives Scholastic Art Award at Regions

Freshman Liam Harris (LASA ’26) received Scholastic Art Awards at the regional level for his photography and digital art. His photo, “Play It Loud,” received a Gold Key, and will advance to national competition.

MTNA Contest Winner

Congratulations to tenth grader Yunxi He for placing third in the Music Teachers National Association national composition competition. Way to represent!

LASA Sci-O Competes at Prestonwood Christian Academy Invitational

The weekend of January 6th-7th, our Science Olympiad team competed in the first ever Annual Prestonwood Christian Academy Science Olympiad Invitational in Plano, TX.

PTSA Reflections Contest

Congratulations to the PTA Reflection contest winners that advance to the Austin Council for judging at the next level. Good luck at the state level and beyond!

History Making All State Choir Results

On Saturday, January 8th, 2023, three LASA Choir students competed in the final round of the TMEA All- State Vocal audition process with an historic outcome!  Congratulations to our program's FIRST All State vocalist Beckett Bishop (Bass 2) for making FIRST CHAIR!!! Also, Congratulations to Jett Will (Bass 2) for making 1st alternate. 

LASA Junior performs at Carnegie Hall

LASA Junior, Anika Patel, performed a solo at the Weill Recital Hall of Carnegie Hall for a winner's recital of the American Protégé International Competition in November. Congratulations, Anika!

Regeneron Science Talent Search Top Students

LASA is excited to announce that two of our seniors, Bhargav Annem and Nathan Elias were named as scholars in Regeneron’s Science Talent Search. the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science and math research competition for high school seniors.

Aurna Mukherjee performs at San Antonio Spurs game

Aurna Mukherjee recently had the opportunity to perform the national anthem for the San Antonio Spurs at the Spurs vs. New York Knicks game on the 29th of December! It related that it was a really humbling and special experience for her.

ACC LASA Dual Credit Biotechnology Students Participating the Sakura Science Exchange Program from the Japan Science and Technology Agency

6 Dual Credit ACC LASA students have been selected for the Sakura Science Exchange Program from the Japan Science and Technology Agency.

LASA Teacher of Promise 2022-2023

The Teacher of Promise award is given each year to a first-year teacher that amazes us with their ability to dive right in with getting to know students and be part of the planning team in their preps. This year the LASA Teacher of Promise is Ms. Sophie Pressler. Ms. Pressler teaches Advanced Magnet English 1 and 2.