Youth & Government District Conference

LASA performed exceptionally well this past Saturday at this year's YMCA Youth and Government District Conference. We had the largest student delegation and many students won awards. They all represented LASA so well and have much to be proud of. The club leaders have been amazing with leading and keeping their classmates motivated and inspired. A ton of preparation and hard work is required for all participants, but these students did that and coordinated all club meetings and communication - a special shout-out to them: Grace O'Bryan, Lilia Marshall, Connor Grim, Gavin Firestone.

While the clear top award winners were announced at closing ceremonies on Saturday, we will hear about more LASA award-winners within the next couple of weeks as the evaluators still need to finalize results for many others.

However, please congratulate the students listed below for their hard-earned awards when you see them!

1st Place Judge Mock Trial: Lilia Marshall!!

3rd Place Mock Trial Court Team:

  • Alex Andre 
  • Amelia Coleman 
  • Aidan Flores 
  • Connor Grim 
  • Ben Levy 
  • Arion Moore 
  • Jared Reyes
  • Jacob Nelson 

Distinguished Delegate Legislative:

  • Lucy Murphy 
  • Gavin Firestone 

Honorable Mention Legislative: 

  • Dallas Morton 
  • Shaan Kassam 

Distinguished Delegate Media: Spandan Palyam

Now on to state in February!  Way to go, Raptors!
