Students can earn college credit and place out of college courses. During the last few years, LASA students have earned an average of about 20 credit hours per student. Students taking AP courses are experiencing challenging, college-level curriculum. The AP exam is the final assessment of how the student has mastered this curriculum. The experience is valuable as it is similar to what students will encounter when taking finals in college.
LASA AP Exams are taken the first two-full weeks in May as determined by College Board.
View AP credit policies by University.
Apply for free or reduced-price meals.
Payment Options * coming soon*
How to sign up to take any AP Exam(s) at LASA
There are three separate steps below you must complete in order to take an AP exam in May.
This step is done in class at school with your teacher by logging into Each section (period) of an AP Course with a particular assigned Teacher has a "JOIN CODE" that is given to the student in class. If you have not done this step, please see your AP Teacher. Do not use the code from someone else as you may be registering for an invalid section for you.
If you are taking any AP classes, you MUST join that class via your College Board (CB) account using the class code provided by your teacher. This step should be completed even if you do not plan to take the AP exam.
If you have not been able to gain access to your CB account or have been unsuccessful in creating an account, you will need to call the College Board Student Help Line at 888-225-5427.
For yearlong and Fall semester courses, all LASA students must update their decision to take or not take the exam on or before Friday, October 11th. To do this, change the "undecided" option in AP Classroom for each test. This step must be done by all students, whether you plan to take all, some, or none of your AP exams.
- If you miss this deadline (10/11/24) and decide later that you want to take the exam, there will be a $40 LATE REGISTRATION FEE per exam.
- Seniors, you will join, register, and pay for your spring semester Macro, Micro, or Government class next semester. These deadlines will be communicated to you by your teacher. If you are taking a Spring Semester course, you will register in Jan/Feb 2025 and pay for that course then. You will get the multi-exam discount, if it applies so do not worry about doing that in the Fall semester.
If you do not register for the AP exam by Friday, October 11th and decide after this deadline that you do want to take the test, there is a $40 late fee per exam in addition to the price of the exam.
Financial Assistance and PFLASA
Based on the responses to the survey that PFLASA conducted earlier this year, most respondents asked that the money PFLASA gives LASA for AP tests be more targeted to those who need it.
If you would like financial assistance to help cover part of your exam fees, please fill out this LASA request form: AP Exam Financial Assistance Request Form. Your request is only seen by LASA Admin. There are no qualifying criteria needed to request support. LASA will use the money donated from PFLASA to cover a portion of the cost. Thank you, PFLASA!
Please do not pay online for exams if you are requesting Financial Assistance.
As stated above in #2, the deadline to register for AP exams is coming up for Fall Semester and year-long courses. Registration and payment for Spring Semester courses (seniors only) will be made in Jan/Feb of 2025. We will send out an email at the beginning of next semester with more information. Students registering during the Spring Semester will receive the multi-exams discount if it applies.
ONLINE: Beginning November 1, 2024, payments can be made online. School Cash Online is no longer being used for the 2024-2025 school year. Please check back soon for new online payment details.
Online payment is a one-time payment system for AP Exams/AP Donations. If you pay for some of your exams and/or give an AP donation, then you will not be able to come back to do another purchase. You will need to send in a check to pay for the remaining balance.
CHECKS/MONEY ORDERS: We will be taking cash, checks, and money orders on Tuesday, November 19, Wednesday, November 20, and Thursday, November 21, during lunch in the cafeteria foyer. Students can bring their payment during lunch only.
Checks/Money Orders should be made out to AP Exams with the student's full name and ID# on the memo line. Please do not send a blank check.
All payments for fall and yearlong courses should be made by Friday, November 22, 2024.
Payments made after Friday, November 22, 2024, will incur a one-time $30 late fee.
- To see this year's fee chart, please visit the AP Fees & Payment Options Page. If you would like to provide an additional donation to further support Advanced Placement Programming and Testing at LASA, there is a donation section in the online exam payment system. You can also add a donation to your check or money order.
We hope that all our students can take the AP exams that they are interested in. Please contact Ms. Cherry if financial concerns are preventing your student from participating.
SENIOR PARENTS: If your student is taking a spring semester only course (US Government, Macro, or Micro), they will register for that class in Jan/Feb 2024 and pay for that course then. You will get the multi-exam discount, if it applies.
Late registration fee is $40 per exam.
Late payment fee is $30.