How do I know if I am on track to being prepared to perform well on an AP exam?

Students who are currently enrolled in Advanced Placement courses will be discussing the expectations for the exams throughout the courses. The curricula for all Advanced Placement courses are approved by College Board and aligned with the content that is included on the AP exam. Students should speak individually to their teachers if they have questions about their personal preparation.

Will this AP exam give me credit at the University I am planning to attend?

The amount of credit given for each at exam is specific to each University. Follow this link to view AP credit policies by University.

My child will be out-of- town for one of the AP exams. What should we do?

There is a late exam administration period following the initial testing period. An additional fee of up to $75 per exam is possible depending on the reason for the late administration. Students should register for all of their tests by the October 11th, 2024 deadline.

What do I need to bring into the exam?

Required Items for Testing -You must bring: 

  • 2 sharpened No. 2 pencils with erasers. 

  • 2 pens with black or dark blue ink. 

  • Up to 2 approved calculators with the necessary capabilities if you are taking an AP Biology, AP Calculus, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, AP Physics, or AP Statistics Exam. For a list of approved graphing calculators, visit apstudents.org/calculators. If you are going to borrow a calculator from your teacher make sure to do this on your own before the exam. We will not have extra calculators in the testing rooms for students.

  • A current government issued or school issued photo ID. If you do not have a photo ID you must get one with the front office BEFORE the day of the exam. We will not hold the test room for any students running late because an ID is being printed. 

  • A snack, water bottle, and a sweater or jacket. 

  • We will provide School-owned Chromebooks for the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Language and Culture Exams.  

  • School-owned and school-controlled digital recording devices will be provided for the AP French, AP German, AP Italian, and AP Spanish Language and Culture Exams, and the AP Music Theory Exam. 

Are calculators allowed and is there a specific one to bring to the exam?

Please see the college board AP Exam Calculator Policy.

What Should Students Bring Into the Exam Room?

Students should bring items on this list as provided by College Board.

What are students NOT allowed to bring into the Exam Room?

List of items not allowed in the testing room as provided by College Board.

Prohibited Items - You may not bring prohibited items to the AP Exam. Prohibited items include:

  • Electronic equipment including phones, smartwatches, fitness trackers, wearable technology, cameras, recording or listening devices, or any other type of electronic or communication device.

  • Books, reference guides, notes, compasses, protractors, mechanical pencils, pencils that are not No. 2, correction fluid, dictionaries, highlighters, or colored pencils.

  • Papers of any kind. Scratch paper will be provided.

  • Watches that beep, make a noise, or have an alarm. 

  • Computers or calculators that are not approved. 

  • Reference guides, keyboard maps, or other typing instructions.

  • Clipboards. 

What do the exam fees cover?

The majority of the exam fees are paid directly to College Board. College Board allows $9 per regular-priced exam to be retained by the campus to cover the cost of exam administration and support Advanced Placement programs. The majority of this allowance is used to lower the cost for LASA students who are taking multiple exams.

Is it too late to apply for free/reduced lunch to lower the exam cost? 

It is never too late! Contact Ms. Elaine Thompson in the LASA office if you believe your family meets the requirements.

Do I pay the "Regular" or "Free/Reduced" price for exams?

If you are part of the national Free/Reduced Meal Program, you will get Free/Reduced Pricing for AP Exams. More information and how to apply for Free/Reduced can be found here

My child is interested in taking the AP exams but my family is unable to submit scheduled payment. What should we do?

We hope that all of our students are able to take the Advanced Placement exams that they are interested in. Please contact Ms. Jessica Cherry if financial concerns are preventing your student from participating.

How do I know if I have already paid or not?

Details about accessing online payment history will be updated soon. If you paid by check, please check your bank account for a cashed check. Receipts were given in the Fall Semester to the student during advisory (around end of November/early December) for cash/check payments made in the Fall.

I forgot to pay for an exam (or multiple exams) but SchoolCashOnline doesn't show that option anymore. What do I do?

Schoolcashonline is a one-time payment system for AP Exams/AP Donations. If you pay for some of your exams and/or give an AP donation, then you will not be able to come back to the SCO system to do another purchase. You will need to send in a check to pay for the remaining balance.

I missed the deadline to pay for my student's exams. What do I do? 

Contact Ms. Cherry. There will be a $30 one-time late fee.

I heard that my student can eat a free breakfast on the days he/she is scheduled for a morning AP Exam. Is this true?

Yes, PFLASA will be providing breakfast for the morning exams. Come early and ensure you will be on time to your exam! Students should be sure to talk to his/her teacher to confirm room location for breakfast.

Is my child allowed to have a snack on testing days?

Students should bring their own snacks for the break that is given during all exams. 

My student is taking 2 exams in one day. Does he/she get to eat lunch?

If your student is taking two exams in one day, he/she may not have time for lunch. Be sure to bring plenty to eat between exams and during breaks.

If my child has testing accommodations at LASA, will they receive them on AP exams?

If you have a documented disability, you may be eligible for accommodations on the AP Exams. You must request accommodations from the College Board Services for Students with Disabilities office. Scores for students who test with accommodations that have not been pre-approved by the College Board will not be reported.

How do I request accommodations?

To request accommodations, email our SSD Coordinator. If you have previously been approved by the College Board for testing accommodations (for example, when you took the PSAT/NMSQT or SAT), you do not need to submit a new request.

When is the deadline to submit requests for accommodations?

The College Board must receive your request for accommodations and supporting documentation (if needed) by January 24, 2025. This date is seven weeks before the ordering deadline for AP Exams because it takes approximately seven weeks from the receipt of all necessary documentation for the College Board to determine your eligibility for accommodations. If requests are submitted after this date, there is no guarantee that accommodations will be approved and appropriate exam materials will be shipped in time for the test.

What are the testing times?

  • AM (Morning) Tests start promptly at 8am.

  • PM (Afternoon) Tests start promptly at noon. 

  • Once the door to the testing room is closed, no one is allowed in (no late entry) and no refunds are given.

If my student is taking an AM AP Exam, should he/she ride the bus to school?

Morning exams begin promptly at 8:00 am. Students are not allowed in once doors are closed per College Board rules. LASA advises students to be on campus by 7:30 am in order to meet these rules and give the student enough time to get inside the testing room before the doors close at 8am. Families must decide the best transportation option for themselves. NOTE: Morning AP EXAMS begin before the official start of school.

Can my student ride the regular bus after school in the afternoon if he/she has an afternoon AP exam?

Afternoon exams begin at promptly at 12:00 pm. Students should make alternative transportation plans for all afternoon exams, as exams often end after 3:55 pm. LASA is not allowed to hold the buses past the regular departure time.