AP Courses

Advanced Placement (AP) Courses:

The Advanced Placement program is a sequence of college-level courses taught in grades 10-12 by high school teachers with specialized training. AP courses require students to study content for a deeper understanding at a more cognitively complex level. Students have the opportunity to pay a fee to the College Board to take AP Exams in May. AP exam results are used to grant college credit and course placement based on student performance based on policies of individual colleges and universities. AP courses carry weighted grade points.

AP Exams:

These exams give students the opportunity to earn college credit while still in high school. Each AP course is based upon a national course outline equivalent to a first-year college course. At the completion of each AP course taken in high school, students have the opportunity to take the AP exam in that subject. Students may also take AP exams for which they feel prepared even if they have not taken the AP course. AP exams are given only once a year, in May. They are offered at the student’s high school campus. Policies for granting college credit based on performance on an AP test vary from college to college. Students should consult college admissions offices to determine individual institution policies.

To see what tests are offered, please visit the AP Testing Calendar page.

For more information on the details, please see the AP FAQ page.