ONLY Students can apply for a VOE (not parents).
NOTE: VOEs needed for the Spring Break can be requested from now until 4pm on Wednesday, March 12th, 2025. Forms will be processed and emailed by Friday, March 14, 2025 (to student's AISD email account). No VOE requests will be accepted from March 12th, 2025, after 4pm until March 24th, 2025. Requests for VOEs will resume March 24th, 2025.
How to Request a VOE
If you wish to teach your student to drive or obtain his/her driver's license/permit, and your student is 15 years old, your student may request a VOE.
STUDENTS: To request a VOE, you must fill out this request form.*
*can only be accessed by your AISD student account
How to Receive a VOE
- You will receive your VOE at the student email address you provided.
- Please allow up to 3 school days for processing. Generally, happens quicker but depending on time of year or what is happening, it can take up to 3 school days. Please plan accordingly.
VOEs are Valid for limited days:
- VOEs are only good for 30 days during the school year; Please plan on requesting it close to the date it is needed for your DPS appointment.
- VOEs requested during the summer before school starts expire on the first day of school.
Verification of Enrollment and Attendance (VOE)
In order to receive a driving permit from the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), a student will need a VOE (Verification of Enrollment and Attendance). Students must be at least 15 years old to get a VOE.
VOE/TEA POLICY (For Obtaining or Renewing a Driver's License)
In order for a student to obtain a Verification Of Enrollment and Attendance Form (VOE/TEA Form) to obtain a driver's license (including learner's permit), the student must be in attendance for 90% of the days the class was offered in the previous semester. For example, if the student is seeking a VOE/TEA Form for the Spring, issuance of the form will be based on attendance of each class in the previous fall semester.
Requirement to receive a VOE/TEA Form to obtain a driver's license are as follows:
Any student who was in attendance 90% of the days the class was offered in the previous semester will be eligible to receive a VOE/TEA Form.
Any student who has passed all classes and has not exceeded 20 total class periods above the 90% criteria set by the state may be allowed to make up the periods missed to clear the excess absences will be eligible to receive a VOE/TEA Form.
Any student who fails at least one course and has not attended that class 90 % of the days the class was offered will not be eligible to receive a VOE/TEA Form
Any student who has exceeded the maximum of 20 class absences above the 90% criteria set by the state will not be allowed to make up the excess class absences and will not be eligible to receive a VOE/TEA Form.
TEA Policy States:
19 TAC, Subchapter C. - 61.43 Absences - a student must be in attendance 90 percent of the days the class is offered. If a student has a absences that the district recognizes as excused or as an extenuating circumstance and the student satisfactorily makes up work missed, the student shall be considered in attendance for the purpose of computing compulsory attendance and for the driver's license eligibility.
The VOE document is a governed record as defined under the Texas Penal Code 3.01(2). Any misrepresentation by the applicant or person issuing the form may result in denial of the application for a Texas driver's license and/or criminal prosecution.
In accordance with TEA, Laura Lea Bauer, Program administrator for the Safety and Driver Education Division of the Texas Education Agency, stated the following about the TEA policy on the issuance of VOE/TEA Forms:
School enrollment and attendance as a condition of licensing a student to operate a motor vehicle applies to persons under 18 years of age unless a high school diploma or its equivalent has been obtained.
Schools can issue a VOE form to students who fail a class if the student attended at the minimum of 90% in each class they were enrolled. School cannot issue a VOE form to students who fail a class if the student failed because they did not attend the class a minimum of 90 percent.