Virtual Choice Sheet Meeting Tuesday For Those That Missed Saturday's

If you missed the in-person choice sheet event last Saturday, plan to attend this final (mandatory) opportunity to select your classes for next year.

It is mandatory for all new students to have their choice sheets completed by Tuesday night at 10pm. Choice sheets can only be submitted once. If you completed it at Saturday's event, you are done and can ignore the rest of this message.


Virtual Choice Sheet Meeting (mandatory for those that missed Saturday's event)

Tuesday, April 9th, 2024, 6-7pm

YouTube Live Stream (or special zoom sessions - see below) - link to the live stream will be available on our home page at (in the banner) approximately at 5:55pm Tuesday night. Do not panic if it's not there exactly at 5:55. Technology sometimes makes things interesting. :)  The presentation will be livestreamed via YouTube and there will be time at the end to type your questions in the chat. Please note that this is a public forum and we encourage you not to post anything private about your student.

Based on your student's grade/parent language, please go to one of these:

  • Incoming 9th graders will be livestreamed on You Tube  (link on the welcome page at 5:55p)
  • A separate Spanish only zoom (link on the welcome page at 5:55p)
  • A separate English Zoom for incoming 10th, 11th and 12th graders. (link on the welcome page at 5:55p)

What to do Before Tuesday's Meeting

  • Familiarize yourself with our Course Guide.
  • Rising 9th graders can print out this worksheet to help them plan what courses they want before the choice sheet meeting.
  • All new students may find the four-year plan worksheet helpful to figure out what you want to take.
  • If you have questions, check out our LASA FAQ, many, many of the choice sheet type questions are answered there.

What to "Bring" to the Meeting:
The worksheet(s) above is/are a great tool(s)! Also, have ready to submit: A list of what elective(s) and at least 3 alternate choices to put on the choice sheet; The 3 alternates should be courses you are willing to take.

"See" you Tuesday!
