Elective Fair & Choice Sheet Event This Saturday, April 6, 2024

This Saturday, April 6th, 2024 is the in-person LASA Choice Sheet Event, where all newly accepted students will select their courses for next school year. As we mentioned last week, you must attend one of the two MANDATORY choice sheet meetings. If you can't make it this Saturday, please attend the virtual meeting on Tuesday, April 9th, 2024 from 6-7pm, where only the choice sheet event will be livestreamed (no elective fair) via YouTube.

Saturday, April 6th, 2024 (In-person at LASA)

  • Elective Fair (optional) 9am-10am
  • New Student Welcome & Choice Sheet presentation (mandatory) 10:30am-12pm

Who Should Attend:
The event is for newly accepted LASA families. Please note that all family members are welcome but we are very limited on space and as such, we recommend that only one parent attend the meeting with the student, if possible.

What to Expect:
Students (and their parents) must complete and submit the student's choice sheet that will be available after the presentation completes and before leaving LASA on Saturday. Please come prepared to select what elective you want to take and at least 3 alternate choices that you would be happy taking, if your first choice is unavailable. This year, we have a handy worksheet (linked below) for rising 9th graders to fill out BEFORE you attend either of the Choice Sheet Meetings. NOTE: The deadline to complete the choice sheet is the day you attend the event. 

LASA (address of front of LASA is 1012 Arthur Stiles Road) The elective fair will be in our Cafeteria near the student parking lot on Gardner Road.

Parking: Please park in the student parking lot in the back of the building. The entrance to the lot is on Gardner Road. See map below. You may also park on Arthur Stiles Road on the school side of the street. Please do not park in front of any of our neighbors houses. The doors to the front of the building will not be open. You will need to walk around to the back where the gym entrance is located.

You will come in the doors marked on the picture as "Entrance"  to go to our cafeteria for the elective fair.

What to do Before Coming on Saturday:

  • Familiarize yourself with our Course Guide.
  • Rising 9th graders can print out this worksheet to help them plan what courses they want before the choice sheet meeting.
  • All new students may find the four-year plan worksheet helpful to figure out what you want to take.
  • If you have questions, check out our LASA FAQ, many, many of the choice sheet type questions are answered there.

What to Bring:

  • A smart phone, if you have one, to look at the course guide, etc
  • A list of what electives and at least 3 alternate choices to put on the choice sheet

See you Saturday!
