Girl's Lacrosse FAQ

When do practices start?

We start practice on October 7. Come join us and try it out! Games begin in the spring semester.

What time are the practices?

Practices will be at LASA on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:15 - 5:45pm and Sunday from 10:30am to 12:00pm

Will I earn a P.E. credit?

As of right now, we do not offer a PE credit for lacrosse, but if that information changes, it will be updated here.

What equipment do I need to bring?

For lacrosse, you will need a stick, goggles, a mouth-guard, and cleats. We have a limited number of extra sticks and goggles available if you are unable to pay or unsure if you want to play lacrosse. Additionally, if you do not have cleats, running shoes are okay.

What is the concussion policy?

Just with most sports, there is always an inherent risk while playing. Girls lacrosse is a safe sport, but the LASA Girls’ Lacrosse team will take head injuries very seriously if they should occur. If at any time, during practice or play, we suspect a girl has sustained a concussion, she will be removed from play or practice. The player will be kept out of practice or play until she provides written clearance from a licensed physician.