Last LASA Info Night, Status Updates, and Common Questions

You are receiving this email because you have expressed an interest in LASA. If you do not want to receive emails from LASA, or have changed your mind about applying, please fill out this form so I can take you off our list. 

First, I wanted to remind you that tonight is our last LASA Info Night. This one is virtual and the link will be available on our website about FIVE minutes before the event. (So, around 6:25 PM.) 

If you have attended a previous LASA Info Night, you do not need to attend again. The presentation will be the same. I have attached a copy of the handout we gave out during our previous LASA Info Nights to this email. 

Status Updates

I have started sending these out! Most applicants who submitted their supplemental materials form by Monday of last week should have gotten an email either with their application status or one letting them know that their whole application is complete. 

Currently, I am working on a batch of supplemental materials forms that were received by noon yesterday (Monday, January 29, 2024). I am hoping to send application status update emails out to those applicants by tomorrow afternoon.

The status update/complete emails are sent from so if you think you should have gotten one but haven’t yet, try searching your inbox for anything received from that email address.

I know there is some confusion because while I am sending out application status update emails to students who have submitted their supplemental materials, Enroll Austin is also sending out emails to remind people to finish their applications, and they may have contradictory information!

Enroll Austin is just looking at whether or not there has been a document uploaded to a specific slot, and then whether or not I have gone in to click a button saying the LASA application is complete. I do the latter as I am able, but I am trying to prioritize checking materials so I can send our updates. 

So, remember, when it comes to Enroll Austin: 

No one needs to upload test scores to apply to LASA. This is just referring to the test score upload slot in Enroll Austin, not whether or not your student took the test at LASA.

Students who have been attending an AISD school these past years do not have to upload report cards as their grades are provided to LASA by AISD.

Everyone should upload their proof of residence and driver’s license under Next Steps in Enroll Austin.

Everyone should enter at least two teacher email addresses for teacher recommendations (one for a core math/science teacher and one for a core English/social studies teacher) under Next Steps in Enroll Austin.

The status updates I send will have the LASA logo at the top and the LASA signature at the bottom. Hopefully that helps distinguish between them! 

Most Common Questions Since Saturday

Does every part of the application have to be complete in order to request a shadow date?

No. You have to have submitted the supplemental materials form, and the Enroll Austin application. You do not have to have done any of the next steps in the Enroll Austin application in order to request a shadow date.

When will I be invited to shadow?

When you submit the supplemental materials form.

You will receive an email from jotform with a confirmation receipt after you click submit on your supplemental materials form. That email has the link to the shadow request form.

If you don’t see the email within minutes of submitting the form, please search your inbox for the word “jotform”. The email may have gotten stuck in another inbox or spam filter. 

If you still cannot find anything, email and I will check to see if you’ve submitted the supplemental materials form and the Enroll Austin application and then I will send you the link. It’s a little time consuming, so hopefully you can find it on your own! But happy to help if you can’t.

Will students get their scores from the admission test?

Yes! We mail them out with decisions in March. 

I submitted my supplemental materials form ages ago, but haven’t gotten a status update email yet. :(

Nine times out of ten the status update email has been caught in a spam filter or other inbox. (Like gmail’s promotions inbox) 

Try searching for and see if something comes up. 

If it doesn’t pop up, please wait five days between submitting the supplemental materials form and emailing to ask about it. It takes me time to go through each form. (Everyone who has asked me this questions have been patiently waiting for weeks. Just for the record!)

I received my status update email and was asked to resubmit something. I have resubmitted it now, can you please take a look to make sure I got it right?

I would love to have the time to do this for you! But I just don’t. Right now I am prioritizing the materials that have been submitted for the first time over resubmissions. 

You will receive another status update email when I have had a chance to look over your resubmitted items. Promise!

Response times

Though I have mentioned it previously, it bears repeating: The closer we get to the deadline, the slower I will be to answer emails. I am trying to divide my time fairly between checking materials, answering questions, and doing my normal non-admissions job but it is getting harder to keep up.

I don’t want to discourage anyone from reaching out with questions, because I am here to help and I want to help. But I do want to encourage everyone to look for their own answers first. 

Any questions on how we score applications can usually be answered by reading our Application Rubric

Most application questions are answered in the Admission FAQ or the Application Checklist. I also recommend reading through the previous emails I have sent (they’re all available on the Application Updates blog) since I try to pick up on the questions I am being asked fairly frequently so I can answer them for everyone. 

Also, our website has a pretty great search function, so you can pick a term and hit search and it will bring up everywhere that term is mentioned on the website.

If I am not answering questions that are already answered on the website, it frees me up to help applicants who have issues that cannot be solved by just reading the FAQ.

I am so grateful to everyone for your help in this! But again, I am here to help if you need me. I don’t want anyone feeling bad for reaching out!

Good luck with your application!

All LASA Information Emails are available on the Application Updates blog on our website.



Enroll Austin

LASA Supplemental Materials

Admission FAQ

Admission Calendar

Application Rubric

Application Checklist
