Sci-O Competes at MIT


Earlier in January, the LASA Science Olympiad team traveled to MIT in Boston, MA to compete at the MIT Science Olympiad Invitational. They competed against 67 other teams from across the nation in 23 different events.

The students learned a lot, got to experience a true NE winter with snow, and tackle the challenge of one of the most difficult Sci-O competitions.

LASA placed 19th overall and the 16th top school at the competition. Congratulations!

Here are the students who placed in the top 15 in their event:

1st Place:

  • Scrambler- Guha Ekambaram and Edwin Liu

3rd Place:

  • Flight- Guha Ekambaram and Khush Lalchandani,

5th Place:

  • Bridge- Guha Ekambaram and Aaron Gu
  • Write It Do It- Bahar Aghili and Milla Press

7th Place

  • Data Science -Ram Sivaraman and Aadi Bhat

11th Place

  • Forensics- Henry Liu and Aima Feng
  • WiFi Lab- Ram Sivaraman and Aadi Bhat

12th Place

  • Trajectory- Khush Lalchandani and Milla Press
15th Place
  • Disease Detectives- Sunayna Adoni and Edwin Liu