Student Wellness

Contact your wellness Counselor

Counseling Services

While students will be able to resolve most of the difficulties they experience with the assistance of parents, friends, or staff members, there may be times when social/emotional issues interfere with the adjustment to LASA's academic program.

Wellness Counselors frequently work with students who struggle with personal issues, including:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Self-Esteem

  • Eating Issues

  • Identity Issues

  • Drug/Alcohol Use

  • Social Issues

  • Grief/Loss

Although Wellness Counselors are equipped to provide continued support at school, they can also help provide referrals to outside resources, therapists and clinicians.

If a student's concern is mostly academic in nature, they should visit with their School Counselor first. Our School Counselors are all experts in personal counseling, study skills, and stress reduction!

How do I make an appointment?

If you need to see a Wellness Counselor, please fill out this form.

Students may refer themselves to a Wellness Counselor. Parents and staff can also refer students for help.


Everything you tell a counselor will be kept private and confidential. However, there are times when counselors need to break confidentiality in order to make sure students are safe. The three reasons for breaking confidentiality are:

  1. If you disclose hurting someone.

  2. If you disclose hurting yourself or plans to hurt yourself.

  3. If you disclose that someone has hurt you.

Wellness Resources

Counselors have a lot of information to share with students and parents.
Should you like to view or download the information, please click the link below.

Stress Management Packet

Active Bystander Strategies

Parent Recommended Articles

SURE Assesment